The locals are quite aware that my brain has been pretty thoroughly eaten lately with my planned new car purchase. If everything is going the way it should, there’s one of these on a boat on its way to me as we speak. Amy and I are both pretty serious Volkswagen fans.
Tag: funny
Another Meme
Shamelessly stolen from Joyce…
Directions: Type “(your name) is” , (with the quotes) into a Google search, cut-and-paste the first 10 responses that work. Just pull the answers right out of the excerpt google shows you, don’t click the link and search around. The only rule is that each one has to start with “(your name) is”.
Jeff is so wrong about this that I find myself shaking my head on this one.
Jeff is down! (I cheated on this one and had to look. It involves baby oil wrestling.)
Jeff is in a serious relationship with his boss Julia
Jeff is late, and interupts the class.
Jeff is also largely responsible for Newsgator Media Center Edition
Jeff is a remarkable talent making cool records
Fr. Jeff is experiencing rejection and betrayal from Fr. Steve; he is left out.
Jeff is the Primary Colorer at Coloring Outside the Lines.
Jeff is weak against fire!
Jeff is a contributing editor to MSDN Magazine, where he writes feature articles about Microsoft
Do People Really Fall for This?
I’ve been meaning to post about this one for quite a while. My spam filters do a pretty good job, but a couple a day usually slip into my inbox. Here’s one from a sender named “Hubby Watch” that I just had to share:
Power Ballad Timeline
Don’t ask how I found this, because I don’t remember. I lost concentration with all the laughing.
Election Trivia
Now that the election is, for all practical purposes, over, I thought I’d throw in a useless yet amusing observation about the media reports.
Survivor and Starbucks
I think most of my friends know that I’m a big 80’s melodic rock fan. One of my favorite groups from that genre is Survivor. The other night on TV, I saw a new Starbucks commercial (the previous text was a link to a .wmv file [the file is still there], but the newest Firefox isn’t happy with it, so I got rid of the link). I almost fell off the couch laughing and screaming when I figured out that it was really Survivor in the commercial. That’s just absolutely priceless.
The commercial in the file above is longer than the one they’re showing on TV. I can’t believe they wrote an entire verse and chorus!
The 5-year Mission Continues
Okay, this is just frightening.
These are a bunch of people who got together and decided to film “the rest of” the original series of Star Trek… using the original characters (but with new actors). They have made the first episode available for download, and I just got done watching it. The costumes and sets are incredibly accurate. The acting is a bit over-the-top, but I’m willing to forgive them that since they did such a good job of remaining faithful to the show. They have the full blessing of Roddenberry’s estate and the help of his son for the second episode.
80’s Quiz
I was talking to Jessica today, and the conversation (unsurprisingly) drifted to Dragon*Con. It brought me around to several of the little snippets of experience about which I meant to post here. It’s been a few months, but here’s one of them.