
Humor feeding itself

A section of an IM conversation with a college friend tonight:

Me: So, Amy’s going to end up in Detroit teaching some folks about Drupal.
Tony: Cool. Are they providing a flak jacket?
Me: Quite possibly. We also figure she needs to take an extra $50 with her so that she can buy a house and a few acres of land.
Tony: Heck. With $50 she could buy half of GM.
Me: …and all of Chrysler.
Tony: *LOL*

Tony was my roommate for a year. We lived in a ghetto-like apartment, him this big black guy, and me the scrawny little white boy. I used to joke occasionally that I was his bodyguard.

Anyway, Tony is the king of the snappy comeback. Keeping up with him for a few lines tonight was an accomplishment. 🙂



The Home of the Weasels

I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to post about this for a long time, and I finally found it tonight.

I’ve found the home of the weasels.


Song Leader Revolution

I realize many of you won’t understand why I in particular find this so funny, but oh the details for those who do understand… I give you Song Leader Revolution.

Wow. 🙂


Another 80’s Music Meme

Saw this one on Eyeore’s LJ and of course was compelled to steal it. 🙂

(I got 80% right, BTW)

Your result for The Ultimate 80’s Pop Music Test…
80’s Music Encyclopedia
80's Music Encyclopedia

If this was a class in high school, you just broke the curve. I bet people come up to you all the time wanting answers to all of their 80’s music questions, after all, you know practically everything there is to know about the best decade in music! You, sir or ma’am, are the platinum standard when it comes to 80’s music knowledge. Congratulate yourself (and don’t let it go to your head)!

Take The Ultimate 80’s Pop Music Test at HelloQuizzy (link defunct)


The Redshirt

I feel like just about everyone who reads this site has seen the movie Galaxy Quest. I found it on the TiVo tonight and watched it again. It’s just spot-on brilliant parody.


Debut Album

Most of my friends in the blogosphere have been participating today in a meme that invites you to learn what your band name and debut album would be. (replacement link at I blame Amy for infecting me. 🙂

I have to admit that I spun the wheel again on mine, because the first one was just too random to even be amusing. My second try came up with:

what you looking at !!
Rich Villa Hotel’s Dreamed It Would Be

[photo ‘what you looking at !!‘ by Saleh AlKhulaifi]


Escapist Television

I think most people who watch much television have those few escapist shows… ones that have absolutely nothing to do with reality but are addictive despite (or more likely because of) that fact. My best example for a long time was pretty much any show written by Aaron Sorkin. The West Wing and especially Sports Night were favorites of mine. The way I put it was that no one talks that way in real life, but it’s such fun to watch. 🙂


Memory is a strange thing

In the category of the power of memory…

I just picked up a copy of a guilty pleasure from Second Spin (link invalid… according to my brief scan on, this company started shutting down in late February of 2008) on the cheap: Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson. I was getting ready to rip it just a few minutes ago, and something really weird happened. My eyes rested on the title of the opening track (”Who Loves Ya Baby?”), and in the space of about 2 seconds, my mind went from the title to a mental sound clip of the chorus to the smell of the ink used to print the liner notes for my old cassette copy (which was stolen along with the rest of my collection over 13 years ago).

I’ve heard before that smell is the sense most strongly tied to memory, but I’ve never had it go “backwards” like that before. For whatever reason, that tape’s liner notes had a strong and distinct scent that none of my other tapes had, so I smelled it every time I opened up the case (which was REALLY often about 8th or 9th grade or so). I guess the association in my brain was stronger than I thought. 🙂


Technobabble Stream of Consciousness

Thanks to Thomas (link defunct) for the cool link that got me started on this one.

Jamie’s technobabble over the big diagram (in the defunct video) reminded me of an old electrical engineering in-joke: the turbo encabulator. I have known for a long time about a video incarnation of this joke apparently made by some folks at Rockwell: The Rockwell Automation Retro Encabulator.

However, what I didn’t realize is that Chrysler took a shot at this old joke even earlier: The Chrysler Turbo Encabulator. Keep listening. There are some screw-the-customer jokes at the end.

I love how this old joke just keeps coming back.

Bonus for the Mythbusters fans
Do pretty girls fart?
I hope they pay the poor girl well.


When Bands Go Bad

I’ve been meaning for a while to post about a dilemma I’ve had.

It’s sad when a good band gets sucked into the dark side by a video director with a “vision”. Anyone can make a crappy video, but it’s especially painful to me when it’s a successful band that should know better. Even worse when it’s a song I actually enjoy.

Given that narrowed definition, I’ve been debating which of two videos I’ve seen truly qualifies as the worst video ever… the one that does the most damage to a song I really like.