
Six Years

As of yesterday, Amy and I have been married for six years, and I somehow never got around to actually saying the words, “happy anniversary.”

Never fear, we had our now-traditional dinner at Pauli’s on Saturday night. If you live in Huntsville, and you haven’t eaten at this place, treat yourself to it at some point. It’s worth it. (edited 22 November 2015: Pauli’s has been closed for quite a long time now. We actually ate there in 2013 with her mother and her mother’s husband [her father was already dead].) As for the rest of the weekend, well, it was pretty normal: I was lazy, and she worked on more stuff for Dragon*Con.

So, we didn’t have a big celebration or anything. Nevertheless, I meant to at least mention it yesterday. So, instead, I’ve decided to post a few of the many reasons I’m so happy she clubbed me over the head (just like it happens to every geek guy I know). Happy anniversary, dear. And since you asked, yes, I’m definitely keeping you. 🙂

* I’m convinced that she’s the only reason I know as many cool people as I do.
* She doesn’t mind when I get buried in some kind of computer project, because she’s likely to be buried in her own.
* Her music sounds better on my hand-picked component stereo than mine does.
* She reminds me that reaching beyond my comfort zone every once in a while is a good thing.
* She knew even without asking that what I needed more than anything last Monday was to be alone and write for a while.
* Who else would do such a cool web site design for me?
* She appreciates geeky gifts.
* She’s perhaps one of the most determined people I know.
* She has faith that I can handle things that not even I would believe I could.

Here’s to the next six, Amy. I think we’ll make it yet. 🙂 (edited 22 November 2015: Well, we did, but not very much farther. *shrug*)

11 replies on “Six Years”

A couple weeks ago, Misty and I had a conversation about your impending anniversary, and I suck for not congratulating you on the six-year point when I knew it was coming.

Happy Anniversary to a couple of my favorite people. 🙂

Does this mean I’m one of those “cool people”?

Only on Thursdays.

Happy Anniversary to a couple of my favorite people.

Thank you, Geof.

a nice thing to see first thing in the morning

That was pretty much the idea. 🙂

By the way, Brian, the email address in your comment is the second one I’ve seen that makes me think that people believe they have to enter an email address to make a comment (the other was in a comment from Stephen in the previous post). However, I have this site set up so that you can leave any of the fields blank if you like (I tried it just now to be sure). Comment spam really doesn’t look like it’s going to be much of a problem here, so I don’t bother requiring the info.

yeah, I got spam from Kat’s site the other day. It was weird to see something sent to me Anyway, as Geof said Happy Anniversary. We had the conversation but didn’t do anything else about it.

I would have said something last night to Amy if I’d known yesterday was your anniversary. 🙂 So Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations, you two!

And, yeah, okay, I don’t use my real email address in comment posts. It’s a new habit of mine. 🙂

Oh yeah, and Pauli’s is soooo good! Rick and I went to celebrate my getting a real job, and we have vowed to go back whenever we can justify it!

Amy, did you really mean to keep him for SIX years or his he drugging you! Get to a doctor quick and get screened for anything unusual. Sorry this is late but… Congrats to you guys. You are a model for us all.

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