
3 Unique Things Meme

While I’m thinking about my response to Amy tagging me on the top 10 movies meme, here’s a quickie that I stole from Catherine:

  • Post 3 things you’ve done that you don’t think anybody else on your friends list who reads your web log has done.
  • See if anybody responds with “I’ve done that.” If they have- add another!(2.b., 2.c., etc…)
  • Encourage your friends to paste this into their own journal to see what unique things they’ve done. also – could you post it here, too…thanks.
  1. Been one of the singers the first time a session of a state supreme court was opened with a singing of the national anthem (this one’s my old standard).
  2. Been in traction or outfitted in a body cast (both for me… recovery from a complete fracture of my right femur when I was 4 years old).
  3. Walked on a beach on Grand Cayman Island.

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