
Song Leader Revolution

I realize many of you won’t understand why I in particular find this so funny, but oh the details for those who do understand… I give you Song Leader Revolution.

Wow. 🙂


Your Obscure Reference of the Day

After skimming this page (archived copy on, I’ve decided that the circle of fifths is the Smith chart of music.

If you’re a regular reader on this site and that comparison made sense to you, then your name is probably either Stephen Granade or John Wilson. Let me know if I missed anyone. 🙂


Back From Vacation

I do believe a week away was exactly what I needed, and now I’m back. 🙂

I’ll try to discipline myself over the next week or so to actually write about what I did while I was away. To start with though, here’s a quickie for you.

While we were in the “Sky Church” at the Experience Music Project (now part of Seattle’s Museum of Popular Culture [MoPop]), I started hearing a song that I immediately started humming along with but didn’t immediately place. Turns out it was an artist named Petra Haden doing an almost completely a cappella remake of Journey‘s “Don’t Stop Belivein’“. Turns out there was a competition for creating videos to go with that song and the others on the same compilation album, and YouTube has the video for this one. I don’t particularly like the spoken word portion. It doesn’t fit with the hyper-accuracy of the rest of the song, but I forgive it anyway. 🙂

BTW, this song was recorded for an album full of “guilty pleasure” songs.


Dipping Into the Well Again

Let’s say your band was one of the biggest hit-makers of the late 70s and early 80s. You went through your requisite “Our Lead Singer is a Megalomaniac™” crisis and went on hiatus for eight years or so. You managed to scrape everyone back together, record an album of totally new material, get nominated for a Grammy, and gear up to promote the album on tour. Then, just when everything looked like it was about to crank up again, your lead singer has a medical crisis, and it all hits the ground with a resounding thud. What do you do?


More Song Quickies

My brain snagged on another music connection the other day. This one I think is a little too close to be coincidence. What do you think? Did this one take just a little too much from this one?


More Shared Music DNA

Another quickie for everyone. This one’s another example of the way my brain looks for connections (and this time probably where no intentional connection exists). Listen to snippet 1, then see if you hear the connection my brain made to snippet 2.


Music Quickie

Sentence spoken to Amy (and finished by her before I got the first 3 words out) while I was listening to “Before Me and You” by SHeDAISY:

It’s like what would have happened if Wilson Phillips had grown up listening to country music.


What Solo?!?

Quick note: this post is really part 2 of a multi-part post about my experience in the Huntsville Master Chorale. If you haven’t read the first post, go do it now. 🙂

So, I left off at just about the point that I was beginning to believe that I could handle this new music by the time the concert came around.


In the Deep End

I said in my previous post on the subject that I would keep everyone posted as the Huntsville Master Chorale‘s season progressed. I think I’ve been holding my breath a bit on posting the next installment for much the same reason as the first: I just wasn’t sure how well I was going to do. 🙂


My New Outlet for Music

I’ve been totally sitting on this one for over a week. I wanted to make sure it was going to work out before I announced it, and as of tonight it’s official. I’m now a baritone in the Huntsville Master Chorale.