I realize many of you won’t understand why I in particular find this so funny, but oh the details for those who do understand… I give you Song Leader Revolution.
Wow. 🙂
I realize many of you won’t understand why I in particular find this so funny, but oh the details for those who do understand… I give you Song Leader Revolution.
Wow. 🙂
After skimming this page (archived copy on archive.org), I’ve decided that the circle of fifths is the Smith chart of music.
If you’re a regular reader on this site and that comparison made sense to you, then your name is probably either Stephen Granade or John Wilson. Let me know if I missed anyone. 🙂
I do believe a week away was exactly what I needed, and now I’m back. 🙂
I’ll try to discipline myself over the next week or so to actually write about what I did while I was away. To start with though, here’s a quickie for you.
While we were in the “Sky Church” at the Experience Music Project (now part of Seattle’s Museum of Popular Culture [MoPop]), I started hearing a song that I immediately started humming along with but didn’t immediately place. Turns out it was an artist named Petra Haden doing an almost completely a cappella remake of Journey‘s “Don’t Stop Belivein’“. Turns out there was a competition for creating videos to go with that song and the others on the same compilation album, and YouTube has the video for this one. I don’t particularly like the spoken word portion. It doesn’t fit with the hyper-accuracy of the rest of the song, but I forgive it anyway. 🙂
BTW, this song was recorded for an album full of “guilty pleasure” songs.
Let’s say your band was one of the biggest hit-makers of the late 70s and early 80s. You went through your requisite “Our Lead Singer is a Megalomaniac™” crisis and went on hiatus for eight years or so. You managed to scrape everyone back together, record an album of totally new material, get nominated for a Grammy, and gear up to promote the album on tour. Then, just when everything looked like it was about to crank up again, your lead singer has a medical crisis, and it all hits the ground with a resounding thud. What do you do?
Sentence spoken to Amy (and finished by her before I got the first 3 words out) while I was listening to “Before Me and You” by SHeDAISY:
It’s like what would have happened if Wilson Phillips had grown up listening to country music.
Quick note: this post is really part 2 of a multi-part post about my experience in the Huntsville Master Chorale. If you haven’t read the first post, go do it now. 🙂
So, I left off at just about the point that I was beginning to believe that I could handle this new music by the time the concert came around.
I said in my previous post on the subject that I would keep everyone posted as the Huntsville Master Chorale‘s season progressed. I think I’ve been holding my breath a bit on posting the next installment for much the same reason as the first: I just wasn’t sure how well I was going to do. 🙂
I’ve been totally sitting on this one for over a week. I wanted to make sure it was going to work out before I announced it, and as of tonight it’s official. I’m now a baritone in the Huntsville Master Chorale.