
Senior Year Memory Meme

Stolen shamelessly from Eeyore:

Fill this out about your senior year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Who was your best friend? John Hancock. No, I’m serious. 🙂

2. What sports did you play? Well, according to the plaque that I have stored away somewhere, I lettered in varsity basketball my senior year but played no other sports (or other years). 🙂 I was the statistician for the girls’ varsity team that year.

3. What kind of car did you drive? A maroon 1976 Volkswagen Beetle with aluminum mag wheels. Oh. And fuzzy dice. It was unmistakable.

4. It’s Friday night, where were you? During the fall, I was in uniform being trumpet section leader for the band. It’s one of the things I actually do miss about high school. Once football season was over, I was probably at home. I can count the number of dates I had in high school on one hand.

5. Were you a party animal? *snork* Seriously. Do I even need to answer this one?

6. Were you considered a flirt? It depends on who you ask. In general, no way. I had my moments, though.

7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Band. I played trumpet from 5th grade up, and I was section leader all but my first year marching.

8. Were you a nerd? What’s this past tense thing you’re using? But yes. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. Cumulative high school average of something like 98.18/100 (we didn’t do the 4.0 GPA scale thing). In my class that was good enough to get salutatorian. 🙂

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Are you kidding? It got back to me years later that the principal actually delayed an intended policy banning backpacks by one year to allow me to graduate after he found out I really liked carrying a backpack. (”I just can’t do it to him. He shakes my hand in the hall!”)

10. Can you sing the fight song? Probably, but I’m not sure I’d get all the words right. I can play both the trumpet and baritone parts from memory, though. The baritone player was one of my best friends, and we would often swap horns for at least one iteration of the song. I also knew the silly chant used to the teach the snare part to the fresh meat (”Come to the table, ABC the goldfish, Come to the table, ABC the goldfish”).

11. Who was your favorite teacher? Oh, I’m not touching that one. I can’t pick, anyway. If I did, though, I wouldn’t be able to go home again.

13. School mascot? Wildcats

14. Did you go to Prom? Nope. All that sinful dancin’, you know. Actually, though, by the time I was a senior, it wasn’t as much about that as it was that from every direction I was getting the message that I had to go. That pretty much by itself meant that I wasn’t going to. Instead, I went to a multi-church-sponsored event specifically designed for prom refugees.

15. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Emphatically no. Does anyone ever really want to relive their teenage years?

16. What do you remember most about graduation? As we were lining up outside (minutes before it started), I was asked to sing the alma mater for the ceremony. I had to learn the words on the spot (I had been playing it every year since 6th grade and had the 1st trumpet part memorized, but I’d never sung it).

17. Where were you on senior skip day? Are you kidding? I was in school.

18. Did you have a job your senior year? Yep. Worked as a deli cook/cashier at the convenience store next to the school from something like middle of my sophomore year until I left for college.

19. Where did you go most often for lunch? No one was allowed to leave campus for lunch.

20. Have you gained weight since then? Uh. Yes. *snork* 🙂 I’m convinced that this is the reason why I won the “most changed” award at our reunion dinner.

21. What did you do after graduation? Right after graduation, me and my closest friends in the class went over to one of their houses and had a pool party. I’ll never forget that night. It was the perfect end cap on my high school career. These were my “Scoobies” in school. Now if only I could remember who won that game of chicken in the pool… me and Chastity, or Michael and Samantha. 🙂

22. When did you graduate? May of 1993.

23. Who was your Senior prom date? No prom for me, and no date to the substitute function.

24. Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion? Yep. Went, took my wife, had a BLAST snarking with one of my best friends, wrote a post about it.

25. Who was your home room teacher? Kind of an anticlimactic last question, isn’t it? 🙂 I don’t remember. They were messing around with how our schedules worked, so I’m not sure we had a traditional “home room” that year.

6 replies on “Senior Year Memory Meme”

“Does anyone ever really want to relive their teenage years?” Unfortunately, some do. Here’s to not peaking early!

I decided to revise my answer to number 21 and add a bonus to my answer for number 10 (hint: the word “trumpet” is a link now). 🙂

Come to think of it, I don’t think we had a homeroom my senior year, either. We switched to the trimester that year and I think that made everything wonky.

1) Darren Wayne Boylen
2) Football and Baseball. Sang the National Anthem for Girls and Boys Basketball and Wrestling
3) A 1983 Chevy Chevette (sad isn’t it)
4) During the fall…at football games. During the winter, singing the National Anthem at hoops games and then scoring. During the spring…working
5) Rarely…I was usually too busy but I had my moments
6) Come on….do you really need me to answer that question?
7) see #2. I have NO affinity for playing music.
8) Yeah. I knew about computers before they became mainstream.
9) Nope…I was too closely guarded. That’s what happens when you father teaches at the school you attend.
10) Hell no….not even the version we rewrote for giggles
11) Nancy Browning, Diane King, Terri Van Wert
13) Gator
14) Ah no…I was in a lot of trouble. But I did go to Grad Nite. Starring bands were The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oran’ Juice Jones, Glass Tiger, and Wang Chung
15) If I could change some things…yes
16) My father read the names of the graduates. My grandmother passed away less than 3 weeks before graduation. He stopped before he got to my name and gave a small speech about where we had been and all that we had gone through that year. The applause took about 3 minutes to die down.
17) In school. It’s what happens when you skip 108 days your junior year and go to live with your dad.
18) Hai…worked in 2 restaurants and a pizza joint
19) Closed campus
20) Uh…yeah…a lot
21) Directly after graduation…went out to dinner with my dad and his wife, my mother, and several of my friends. Then went to my grandparents house (who were on vacation in Australia) and trashed the house so bad we had to hose out the house (terazzo floors). Melanie Lesser ran a red light then got so freaked she stopped in the MIDDLE of the intersection trying to figure out what to do.
22) June of 1987
23) I didnt go to prom and I am suitably chastened to admit that I cannot remember the name of the girl that I took to grad nite. She went to another school.
24) Went to my 10th and my 20th is in less than a month. Still trying to decide if I am going.
25) No homeroom…1st period was Teri Van Wert for Astronomy.

1. Who was your best friend? Either Kerri or Tara. They didn’t always get along well with each other, so I tended to split time between them.

2. What sports did you play? hahahahaha. I was the nerd. Nerds didn’t do that sort of thing. Though I did wish I could have tried out for the track team.

3. What kind of car did you drive? In my senior year, I got a 1994 Plymouth Sundance.

4. It’s Friday night, where were you? On the football field, taking notes for the school paper and photographing the games for the yearbook.

5. Were you a party animal? To quote my husband: “*snork* Seriously. Do I even need to answer this one?”

6. Were you considered a flirt? That would have required me to talk.

7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? We had no orchestra or choir (we were too small) and we had virtually no band at that time. So no.

8. Were you a nerd? I quote my spouse again: “What’s this past tense thing you’re using?” I was valedictorian.

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Bwahahahahahaha. The only ruckus I made was when I quit the newspaper in my senior year of high school because we caught two junior high reporters plagiarizing and they weren’t punished. I had an eye for a good, quixotic stand, even then.

10. Can you sing the fight song? Yep, and I even remember the cheerleading motions for it too.

11. Who was your favorite teacher? She wasn’t my favorite at the time, but D’Lisa McDonald stands out. She expected me to critically analyze what I read, not just absorb it blindly. She was wasted on high schoolers. But she prepared me well for college.

13. School mascot? Miners.

14. Did you go to Prom? Nope. My school was so small, and I was such a dork, I realized I either could lead the wallflower brigade or I could stay home and do something actually interesting. My mother was horrified. I still don’t think I missed anything. I went to a formal dance in college, and had a blast with a bunch of friends. That was *my* prom. I even have photos of me in a purple spangly dress to prove it.

15. If you could go back and do it over, would you? God no. I think I’d beg for death first.

16. What do you remember most about graduation? Relief, and terror about speaking. I chose to be noncontroversial with my speech. I was a third-generation graduate, and my grandfather desperately wanted to attend and see his granddaughter (the one who was named after his mother) graduate first in her class, but he was in the hospital at the time. I changed my speech to insert references that I knew he would get, but no one else would, and let that be my present to him. I found out years later that it made him cry. Past that … see #21.

17. Where were you on senior skip day? At home, reveling in being a Bad Girl for once. 🙂

18. Did you have a job your senior year? No. I was expected to put every ounce of energy toward college and scholarship prep.

19. Where did you go most often for lunch? Actually, I rarely ate lunch. I didn’t get an allowance, so I took the money I was supposed to use for lunches and kept it as faux ‘allowance’ instead. I’d sit outside and talk with friends.

20. Have you gained weight since then? Yep. Lost some, too.

21. What did you do after graduation? Ah, a moment that’s emblematic of my high school years. I came home to a family reception; they wanted to celebrate the scholarships I’d gotten. So I had to stay dressed up for most of the night. I’d gotten an invitation to an after-graduation party that my fellow students were throwing, and I desperately wanted to go, but my parents would not let me leave the family gathering until 10. It was thirty minutes each way to the party, and I had to be home by midnight. So I got to be at the after-graduation party for an hour. I wondered why I’d bothered. That’s the last time I saw most of my class.

22. When did you graduate? May of 1994.

23. Who was your Senior prom date? I didn’t go to prom, and I went stag to the formal dance in college that was the closest cognate.

24. Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion? No. I’m not sure they even had a reunion. I made sure to make myself contactable on places like Classmates, so that if they truly wanted to track me down they could have, but I never heard anything. The president and vice-president of my class both live in my ~300-person hometown still, practically down the street from my mother. My guess is that we didn’t have one. I’ve had almost no contact whatsoever with anyone from my class since graduation (one of the aforementioned class officers served as the police escort for my father’s funeral) and I’m not entirely sure I’d go to a 20th if it were held. There’s no hatred, just deep ambivalence and the knowledge that it’s a seven-hour drive each way.

25. Who was your home room teacher? Wow. I don’t remember.

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