…and you might find a link to this CNN story. (archived copy on archive.org)
Author: Jeff
Dipping Into the Well Again
Let’s say your band was one of the biggest hit-makers of the late 70s and early 80s. You went through your requisite “Our Lead Singer is a Megalomaniac™” crisis and went on hiatus for eight years or so. You managed to scrape everyone back together, record an album of totally new material, get nominated for a Grammy, and gear up to promote the album on tour. Then, just when everything looked like it was about to crank up again, your lead singer has a medical crisis, and it all hits the ground with a resounding thud. What do you do?
Escapist Television
I think most people who watch much television have those few escapist shows… ones that have absolutely nothing to do with reality but are addictive despite (or more likely because of) that fact. My best example for a long time was pretty much any show written by Aaron Sorkin. The West Wing and especially Sports Night were favorites of mine. The way I put it was that no one talks that way in real life, but it’s such fun to watch.
Huntsville Master Chorale Web Site
Well, after lots of time making sure the design was okay and more time building the back end and more time getting enough content to reach “critical mass”, the Huntsville Master Chorale web site is now open for business.
More Song Quickies
More Shared Music DNA
Music Quickie
Sentence spoken to Amy (and finished by her before I got the first 3 words out) while I was listening to “Before Me and You” by SHeDAISY:
It’s like what would have happened if Wilson Phillips had grown up listening to country music.
Conservation of Energy
For years I have been enamored with the basic principle of conservation of energy. I know that’s a bit weird, but since when is that a surprise?
Back to Regular Life
Wow. Four days and change spent in New York, and my first time in the city at that. I have no idea where to start yet. I’ve spent most of today just readjusting to “regular life”, but honestly that has more to do with how I react to being outside my routine than with New York.
What Solo?!?
Quick note: this post is really part 2 of a multi-part post about my experience in the Huntsville Master Chorale. If you haven’t read the first post, go do it now.
So, I left off at just about the point that I was beginning to believe that I could handle this new music by the time the concert came around.