This post is a rant about what I think is a pretty decent idea gone pretty badly wrong. The idea is something called “Wi-Fi Protected Setup.”
Author: Jeff
Humor feeding itself
A section of an IM conversation with a college friend tonight:
Me: So, Amy’s going to end up in Detroit teaching some folks about Drupal.
Tony: Cool. Are they providing a flak jacket?
Me: Quite possibly. We also figure she needs to take an extra $50 with her so that she can buy a house and a few acres of land.
Tony: Heck. With $50 she could buy half of GM.
Me: …and all of Chrysler.
Tony: *LOL*
Tony was my roommate for a year. We lived in a ghetto-like apartment, him this big black guy, and me the scrawny little white boy. I used to joke occasionally that I was his bodyguard.
Anyway, Tony is the king of the snappy comeback. Keeping up with him for a few lines tonight was an accomplishment. 🙂
A Butt That Won’t Sit Still
My favorite singer-songwriter, the “chick with a piano” that I come back to again and again, Vienna Teng, has a new album. It’s called Inland Territory, and I already adore it.
Time, Belief, and Assumptions
In recent months, I’ve had a number of old friends, high school classmates, etc. find me on Facebook. If anything, the trend seems to be accelerating. It’s pretty cool chatting with people I haven’t talked to much (or at all) in about 15 years. Some of the people most supportive of my attempt at weight loss have been high school classmates. I’ve gotten some of the most flattering and encouraging comments about my writing here on my web log from old friends who knew me then.
My new “friend” Jessica
Behold the wonder of the spam below which somehow managed to bypass the big G’s normally awesome spam filtering. “Jessica” says she’ll do anything I would like to see live on cam. Poll for the readers: what should we ask “Jessica” to do on cam? 🙂
hi, I found your mail in my contact list
i thought we might make a good match
Do you want to see me live on cam?
I will do anything you would like to see
Do you have a messanger? if so you can add me with yahoo or msn messenger–obvious phishing email address removed–
P.s look forward to catching up soon 😉
The Home of the Weasels
I’ve been trying to figure out a good way to post about this for a long time, and I finally found it tonight.
I’ve found the home of the weasels.
A Gradual Victory
Song Leader Revolution
I realize many of you won’t understand why I in particular find this so funny, but oh the details for those who do understand… I give you Song Leader Revolution.
Wow. 🙂
Your Obscure Reference of the Day
After skimming this page (archived copy on, I’ve decided that the circle of fifths is the Smith chart of music.
If you’re a regular reader on this site and that comparison made sense to you, then your name is probably either Stephen Granade or John Wilson. Let me know if I missed anyone. 🙂
Just a Mailbox
I drove down to Tuscaloosa tonight for my once-a-year-or-so IEEE meeting presentation on behalf of my employer. I’m not sure why, but I decided to wander into the student center tonight and have a look around at what has changed. The official USPS post office for the campus is located on the bottom floor.